Gooseneck Kettle | Aeropress Kit | Spoon | Coffee Beans | Grinder | Scale | Timer | Mug

- Bring your kettle of water to a boil.
- Measure 18.9 grams* of coffee and grind to a consistency that’s slightly finer than sea salt.
- Set the Aeropress upside down on the scale and add coffee grounds.
- Tare the scale and set your timer.
- Using your kettle, completely saturate the grounds with 180 grams of water within 25 seconds.
- Stir well. Then, let the coffee bloom for 30 seconds.
- Meanwhile, prepare your filter. Set the filter in the strainer cap and rinse with hot water. Then, tighten the strainer cap onto the Aeropress.
- Once your timer hits one minute, set the Aeropress onto your mug rightside up. Begin slowly extracting. This step should take about 30 seconds.
- Set the Aeropress aside. Enjoy your rich, bold brew.
Aeropress (Inverted)
From the kitchen to the wilderness, the Aeropress is one of the most versatile brewing methods. In this guide, we’re exploring the inverted technique which yields a highly concentrated yet smooth cup of coffee. Whether you’re on a backpacking trip and boiling water over a campfire or in the kitchen using a gooseneck kettle, the Aeropress is designed with portability in mind.
Unlike the traditional Aeropress recipe, brewing by inversion starts with the device upside down and the plunger nearly all the way out, leaving only enough contact to create a seal. Once the coffee is ready to be served, the Aeropress is flipped right side up and set over a mug. With a little bit of pressure, the plunger is pushed down to move coffee through the filter and into the mug.
To start, gather all of your equipment. You’ll need a gooseneck kettle, an Aeropress kit, a spoon, coffee beans, a grinder, a scale, a timer and a mug. Shop the equipment on our website.
First, fill up your kettle with water and set to boil. While the kettle is heating up, measure your coffee beans. For this recipe, you’ll need 18.9 grams of coffee. Using your ginder, grind coffee beans to a consistency that’s slightly finer than sea salt. Unlike other brewing methods that require more time and call for a coarser grind, this consistency supports a fast extraction process. Because we’re making Aeropress by inversion, set your Aeropress upside down and on the scale. Tare the scale.
With your Aeropress well positioned, place the grinds into the vessel. To confirm you have the right amount of coffee, your scale should read 18.9 grams. Again, tare the scale. Next, set your timer. For the next 25 seconds, focus on completely saturating the grounds with 180 grams of water from your kettle. Once your scale reaches 180 grams, stop pouring. Use your spoon to stir the mixture and then let your coffee bloom. The blooming process should take approximately 30 seconds.
While your coffee is blooming, prepare your Aeropress filter. To do this, set the filter in the strainer cap and rinse with water from your kettle. Now that it’s wet, the filter should be securely placed. Tighten the strainer cap onto the Aeropress. Once your timer reaches one minute, your coffee is ready to be served. For this step, make sure your mug is on a stable surface. Take your Aeropress and flip it rightside up onto the mug. Within 30 seconds, apply gentle force on the plunger to slowly push coffee into the mug. Set your Aeropress aside and enjoy your delicious home brew.