Gooseneck Kettle | Hario V60 | Hario V60 Filter | Coffee Beans | Grinder | Scale | Timer | Mug

- Bring your kettle of water to a boil.
- Measure between 21 to 28 grams* of coffee, depending on personal preference. Grind beans to the consistency of sea salt.
- Line Hario V60 cone with the filter. Then, secure on top of the carafe.
- Once the kettle reaches a boil, soak the filter. This step ensures the filter is securely set and removes paper taste. After, discard the water from the carafe.
- Place Hario V60 Pour Over set on the scale. Tare scale.
- Add grounds to filter and level. Tare scale. Tap the Hario V60 to level the grounds.
- Using the kettle, evenly saturate the grounds until the scale reaches 50 grams.
- Set the timer for 30 seconds and let your coffee bloom.
- Once the timer reaches 30 seconds, resume pouring. Slowly create circles as you pour water, gradually increasing and decreasing circle size. Incorporate momentary pauses at each 100 gram increment. Stop pouring when the scale reaches 365 grams.
- Let water move completely through the filter. Then, remove the Hario V60 from the carafe and serve yourself a flavorful mug of pour over.
Pour Over
Invite the delightful flavors of specialty coffee into your daily routine with the Hario V60 Pour Over. By design, the Hario V60 cone produces an even brew bringing out rich flavors during extraction. With the single hole at the cone’s base, water gradually funnels into the carafe. This steady flow rate ensures the irresistible complexities of coffee are expressed. For beginners, this approachable method is a wonderful starting point. For connoisseurs, the ease of manipulating variables provides ample opportunity for experimentation.
Master the Hario V60 Pour Over method on the first try by keeping a few tips in mind. First, make sure to grind your coffee to the consistency of sea salt. With this recipe coming together in under five minutes, grind size plays a critical role in extraction. Once you’ve placed the coffee into the filter, take the time to level the grounds. A flat surface will support an even brew. Finally, enjoy the meditative rhythm of bringing your coffee together.
Begin by gathering all of your equipment. For this recipe, you’ll need a gooseneck kettle, a Hario V60 and a Hario V60 filter, coffee beans, a grinder, a scale, a timer and a mug. Shop the Hario V60 Pour Over Package on our website.
Start by bringing a full kettle of water to boil. Meanwhile, with your scale at zero, measure between 21 and 28 grams of coffee. If it’s your first time preparing pour over, start with 22 grams. Over time, you’ll determine a personal preference when it comes to ratio. Take your measured beans, and grind coffee to a consistency of sea salt.
Prepare your Hario V60 by setting the cone on top of the carafe. Then, line the interior of the cone with a V60 filter. Using your kettle, saturate the entire filter to remove any paper taste and to secure the filter’s position. Discard the water from the carafe and then position the Hario V60 set-up on the scale.
With your scale at zero, place your coffee grounds in the filter. Gently tap the cone to level the grounds before moving onto the next step. Again, tare the scale. Take your kettle and saturate the grounds until your scale reaches 50 grams. At this point, return the kettle to its base and set your time for 30 seconds. During these 30 seconds, watch your coffee bloom. Then, resume pouring. Slowly create circles as you pour, gradually increasing and decreasing the size of your circles to evenly water the grounds. Once the scale reaches 365 grams, stop pouring and return the kettle to its base.
Patiently, let all of the water move completely through the filter. Then, remove the filter and discard. Set the Hario V60 cone aside, and pour coffee from the carafe into your mug. Enjoy your flavorful home brewed mug of pour over.