EQUIPMENT NEEDED yields two servings
Chemex | Chemex Filter | Gooseneck Kettle | Coffee Beans | Grinder | Scale | Timer | 2 Mugs

- Bring your kettle of water to a boil.
- Measure 46 grams* of coffee and grind to the coarseness of sea salt.
- Line Chemex with filter. Completely soak the filter using the kettle to secure the filter’s placement and remove paper taste. Pour out the rinse water from the vessel.
- Place Chemex on the scale. Tare scale.
- Add grounds to filter and tap to level. Then, tare scale.
- Using the kettle, evenly saturate the grounds. Then, set the timer for 30 seconds and let your coffee bloom.
- Once the timer reaches 30 seconds, resume pouring. Slowly create circles as you pour water, gradually increasing and decreasing circle size. Incorporate momentary pauses at each 100 gram increment, being sure grounds remain completely saturated throughout the whole process. Once the scale reaches 720 grams, stop pouring.
- Patiently wait for the water to move completely through the filter. Then, remove the filter from the Chemex and discard.
- Evenly serve two mugs and enjoy the complexity of your delicious home brew.
Chemex Brew
While the Chemex is one of the most popular modern craft coffee brewing methods, the device has been in existence since the early 1940’s. Designed by the German chemist, Peter J. Schlumbohm, the glass masterpiece relies on chemistry to extract a high quality cup. Unlike an alternative pour over method, like the Hario V60 that detaches from the carafe, the Chemex boasts aesthetic simplicity with its hourglass shape. Follow along as we explore how you can bring the method that has withstood the test of time into your home.
For this recipe you’ll need a Chemex, a Chemex filter, a gooseneck kettle, coffee beans, a grinder, a scale, a timer and two mugs. On our website, you can shop the Chemex package or upgrade your vessel. We offer a variety of sizes to accommodate each preference. Before brewing, remember that the most important step in any pour over method is the bloom. The total brew time for this recipe is about 5 minutes.
Begin by bringing your kettle of water to boil. Meanwhile, use your scale to measure 46 grams of coffee. Then, grind your coffee beans to a coarseness similar to sea salt. With your Chemex positioned on the scale, line the Chemex interior with a filter. Using your kettle, completely soak the filter to remove any paper taste and to secure the filter’s placement. Swirl the Chemex around and then gently tilt the Chemex over a sink to discard all the water. Set the Chemex back onto the scale.
With the preparation complete, it’s time to begin brewing. Place the coffee grinds into the filter and then tare the scale. Take your kettle and begin evenly saturating the grounds. Once the grounds are completely wet, stop pouring and set your timer to 30 seconds. Let your coffee bloom. After 30 seconds, pick up your kettle and resume pouring. Create circles as you pour, gradually decreasing and increasing the size of your circles. This rhythmic method will ensure water is evenly distributed. When your scale reaches 720 grams, stop pouring and set your kettle back on its base.
Patiently wait for all of the water to completely move through the filter. Then, remove the filter from your Chemex and discard. Serve two mugs evenly and enjoy your vibrant cup of home brewed coffee!