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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Jennifer M M

Best decaf coffee ever I love it thank you I highly recommend it to everyone

Mark H

REAL COFFEE CONNAISEURS DON’T DRINK DECAF, RIGHT? NOT TRUE. I tried SO sugarcane processed Colombia Eje Cafetero and met my match! Natural, no chemical, decaffeination of this lovely well rounded medium bodied coffee. The sugarcane leaves a nice burnt maple sugar taste to the coffee. Mind you, I hate syrups added to coffee, perhaps hazelnut most of all. But Snowy Owl is always natural and I loved their “Spiced Seasonal Blend” made utilizing cinnamon in the fermentation process. So this decaf is something Snowy Owl offered and I am glad I took up the challenge. I brew a cup around 7:30 pm before my dinner at 8:00 and I sit back and enjoy a little Colombian to mellow my mood for dinner. AND I SLEEP LIKE A BABY ALL NIGHT LONG!

Jennifer M M

Simply the best coffee I love it I could drink all day but then I would up all night ever though it decaf I love me coffee in mornings thank you I love it 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

Dennis F

Coffee is exceptional / service is terrific too!

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