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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Mark H

OU’VE HEARD OF “MONO MOY” Right? Sounds like what your party-hearty roommate got in college “CHEERY MO? YA! That’s the way your mornings will feel with an 8 or 12 oz. Cup of this new S.O. Peruvian. I’m addicted to “iNKA” but am forced to go cold turkey and replace it with this delightful round bodied cuppa. The fresh ground envelops me and the first sip expands from almond to pure unsweetened cacao powder. But that finishes long and leaves a lingering sweetness which SO tasting notes compare to honey. I’M GETT’IN ALONG WITH THIS COFFEE NAMED FOR A TROPICAL FRUIT. Me da ganas! Another Snowy Owl original.

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