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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Jennifer M M

So so excellent this is one of my favorites I highly recommend this to everyone it that good 👍🏻

Mark L


Mark H

EVERYBODY KNOWS THE EXPRESSION “RAISE THE BAR” WELL WITH YANATILE MANUEL & SNOWY OWL HAVE RAISED THEIR PERUVIAN COFFEE AGAIN. We remember the Fincas, the INKA, the Maria but this latest Peruvian makes an astoundingly rich and well balanced coffee. The beans entice and the found coffee seduces. Not surprisingly, the source is the co-operative that is growing this good s…. (« stuff ») high above Cuzco. I thought it couldn’t be done, but then I remembered Sergei Bubka the famous Ukrainian pole vaulter. He “raised the bar” setting a new world record 35 times during his incredible career. So, Snowy Owl, Manuel, Shayna, and team, I credit you with 7 incredible world class Peruvian coffees to date, I’m hoping you will continue raising your bar from Cuzco onward and upward. Let’s see the Snowy Owl fly where only Condors have flown before!

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